Shilpa Shetty Diet Chart and Yoga Videos to Stay Fit


I am back again! And this time I am going to talk about diet and yoga videos of Shilpa Shetty Kundra with whom I share my birthday 🙂 I am fond of this lady a lot and She never miss a chance to steal my heart.

She is always in news and on social media for her fit and toned body. I follow her diet chart a lot in my daily routine and i believe you should also follow this to stay fit and glamorous.

Shilpa Shetty Diet Chart –

Shilpa Shetty Diet Chart and Exercises to Stay Fit

Shilkpa Shetty Breakfast Diet –

Shilpa starts her day with warm water and a plate of papaya with lemon on empty stomach.
Shilpa whips up different juices every day, such as red juice (pomegranate, apple carrot, and beetroot, tomato and green apple), green juice (cucumber and spinach).
Cup of milk tea.
Porridge or Two whole eggs – omelette, boiled or scrambled.

Shilkpa Shetty Lunch Diet (her heaviest meal of the day) –

Rice or two Rotis ( made of 5 different kinds of grains ) with two teaspoons of ghee, vegetables, dal, fish (she has quit chicken due to the fear of the birds being fed with toxic antibiotics and steroids) or egg bhurji. She ends her meal with a piece of jaggery

Evening snacks (if time permits) –

Snacks such as makhanas sautéed in ghee with salt and pepper
A glass of buttermilk.
Two eggs, if the day starts early.
Or just a cup of tea with brown sugar (Shilpa can’t live without two cups of tea daily)

Shilkpa Shetty Dinner Diet (before 8 pm) –

Sour Soup for proteins.
Stir-fried vegetables or paneer.
Turkey slice / Salmon steak.

Her Cheat Day is SUNDAY, when bhajiyas, batata wada, biryani and rasgullas are allowed.

Shilkpa Shetty Yoga Videos –

1. Shilpa Yoga In Hindi for Complete Fitness for Mind, Body and Soul

2. Swami Ramdev and Shilpa Shetty Practising Yoga at Mumbai

3.Warm Up Routine | Shilpa Shetty Kundra | Health and Fitness

For more healthy recipes and yoga videos visit her Youtube channel.

Hope this helps!

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Much Love
Yogita Aggarwal



One Response

  1. Rishi Yogi May 4, 2018

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